The Preview Branch

The Why

I seldom update my code. I find myself creating things and not getting around to completing them. For this reason, the preview branch exists. This branch will contain new features that I intent to merge into the main branch at some point. Often, this branch will be more unstable but will be an overall more complete version of the program.

What’s On the Preview Branch?

Currently, one big change. The preview branch now implements SQLite in order to store records of your conversion history. With this, one can transcode an ever-expanding library without having to re-transcode every time. It’ll save your choices for format, bitrate, and file structure.

The Bugs

On the branch at this time, there’s a few bugs I can remeber off the top of my head.

  • The database is stored in the working directory. This means you must be in the same directory as when running or else the file will save… somewhere unexpected. I might fix this behavior? Maybe?

  • The keyboard locks up after transcode for reasons unknown to me. It likely has something to do with how processes are spawned. The fix for this seems to be running stty sane immediately after the multiprocessing queue is emptied. Again, maybe I’ll implement this? I also need to do more testing though. I’ve only verified that this fixes the issue on Linux over whatever terminal emulator is implemented in the Proxmox web interface. I’m not sure if the issue is present on Windows.

  • The program checks for external modifications by using a checksum, MD5 if I’m not mistaken. This takes time to generate checksums though and ideally I’d like to minimize this time. It may be worthwhile to see if there’s a different way to do checksums. Modification date and time may be a viable option, but I’d still lean towards the former method.

Aquiring the Preview Branch

Use git to clone the branch. I usually don’t push code unless it’s working, trust me bro.